Time tracking with plain text files
5 min. read


One topic that kept me thinking on and off for a couple of years now is time tracking. That is for very practical reasons, as I was (and still am) interested to keep track of my working hours. Back in the day, when I used to work full-time, I wanted to know how well on track I was with the 40 hours that I agreed to devote to my employer. Nowadays, as a freelancer, I need to log my working hours for bookkeeping reasons, as my invoices are based on an hourly rate.

There exist countless web services for time tracking, some of which offering an impressive feature set that cater for all imaginable use-cases. However, I never felt too much appeal to use them. It’s not that I have any special requirements or practice an extravagant workflow. My reluctance is instead stemming from a conceptual thought: keeping track of times is a rather mundane and simple thing to do, so why rely on (semi-) commercial online services that build on complex technology stacks for something that you can basically do with a pencil and a piece of paper?

What did the trick somewhat well for me throughout the years was a spreadsheet that I setup and maintained by hand. It allowed me to enter data quickly and I could also run some simple evaluations, e.g. in order to aggregate the entries by week or month. While this solution was both simple and flexible, it also felt a bit cumbersome, especially for things like writing more sophisticated formulas or configuring pivot tables. As luck would have it I am in the fortunate position of being able to build my own tools. But before we get to this I need to share another thing with you first.

The longer I have been working with computers the more I appreciate the freedom and simplicity of plain text files: not being bound to proprietary software for opening or editing them; not being exposed to the risk that your data gets sold to advertising companies; no lock-in on arbitrary subscription plans; no connectivity issues that would prevent or slow down access. Instead, the data is just there, it’s all yours and you can rest assured that you will be able to work with it for decades to come. Viewing or manipulating the files can be done with any off-the-shelf text editor, and syncing them across multiple devices is as easy as putting them into your Dropbox folder. While plain-text formats don’t work for each and every application obviously, they seem to be a more than reasonable choice for this task here.

Born out of this conception I experimented with different formats to record time tracking data using plain text files. Over the past weeks I tried out various structures to model and layout the information. What I came up with is a lightweight format with minimal syntax that I called “klog”. The idea is to record the data in a similar style as you would using a physical notebook: it’s basically the date, then time-related entries such as a time range or duration of how long something took, and maybe a short note about what you did.

A terminal window demonstrating the file format and the command line tool usage

I implemented a parser for the klog file format along with a small command line tool that allows to evaluate the data programatically. You find the project on Github, where you can also download the binary in order to experiment with klog. I’ve also written up some documentation that helps you understand the basic concepts and get started. If you happen to be interested in this idea I’d appreciate some feedback and learn about your use-cases – drop me an email or open an issue on Github. klog obviously fits my needs, but I aimed for making it general-purpose enough so that other people may find it useful too.

Building klog was not just a fun programming exercise, I also ran into some interesting questions along the way: is it necessary to support timezones? Is it okay to restrict time values to hours and minutes, but to omit the seconds part for convenience? What if someone starts an activity close to midnight and finishes it on the next day, like working a night shift? Which of the numerous date and time notations need to be understood? How can you start tracking something that’s not yet finished and therefore doesn’t have an end time? I wrote a brief guide (that you find in the repository) that gives a tour of klog and also covers these questions.

The command line tool is fairly minimalistic for now, as I first and foremostly want to validate that my basic idea sustains before investing more work into it. The cli tool has read-only functionality so far and can basically pretty-print, filter and evaluate files. I attributed special attention to error handling, so in case there are formatting errors you should see precise and (hopefully) helpful error messages. The application is written in Go, which ensures that it runs cross-platform without relying on runtime dependencies, and – as a bonus – it’s also quite fast even on large data sets.

And as for the name, “klog” is what we call a “Kofferwort” in German: since my original use-case was tracking work times it is a blend of the two terms “work” and “log”.

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